How To Build A Lean Enterprise Core Competency Profile And Drive Better Results


Competencies are the key to success in any business. Profiles are a way to identify and develop your key competencies.

Define Your Key Competencies

"Your key competencies are the skills and abilities that make you unique and valuable to a company. They're the things you bring to the table that make you an essential part of the team." more info..

When defining your key competencies, it's important to think about what makes you unique and valuable to a company. The things that define your skillset should be things that are important to the organization, but also things that you can bring to the table in a meaningful way. For example, if your key competency is customer service, it might be important for a company to have this skill set, but it might also be important for them to know that you're able to handle difficult clients and have great problem solving skills. This will give you an advantage when it comes down to finding jobs or promotions with other companies.

Define Your Core Values?

"Your core values are what define who you are as an individual and how you approach life. They influence everything from your personal beliefs to how much effort you put into your work."

Values are something that are often talked about but not always understood. When defining your core values, think about what

Build a Lean Enterprise Core Competency Profile

A Lean Enterprise Core Competency Profile (LECP) is a tool to help organizations identify and prioritize the skills and capabilities needed to achieve their business goals. A LECP is designed as a template that can be customized for each organization, reflecting the company's unique strengths and challenges.

A LECP should be tailored to match an organization's specific needs and objectives, taking into account its culture, values, competitive environment, customer base, products/services offered, etc. The goal is to develop a comprehensive set of skills and capabilities that give your company an edge in the marketplace.

The following are six key steps in developing a LECP:

1. Define your business goals: What do you want your organization to achieve? This will help you determine which competencies are most important for success.

2. Assess your current workforce: How well do your employees currently meet these goals? Do they have the skills and capabilities needed to achieve success?

3. Identify gaps in capability: What areas do you need more training or development in order to achieve your business goals? Are there any specific areas where you need new technology or tools.


A core competency profile is a vital tool for any business. It can help you identify and develop your key competencies. This will help you achieve better results and drive success in your business.
